When my little one was born, he arrived two weeks early. Not a long time in the grand scheme of things, but one of the items I was still shopping for was a baby sling. I had read all sorts of things about the benefits of baby wearing and I knew I wanted to do it. Since little James came via an unplanned c-section, when he came home, I really needed a sling to help with carting him in and out of the store and car since lifting the infant carrier was a no-no.
So I did some online shopping and found Slinglings. Not only did the store carry a large selection of fabrics, but they were offering a buy 2 get 1 free special. Slinglings are affordable without sacrificing style and since they are offering the buy 2 get 1 free special RIGHT NOW you can get one to suit your every mood. Now you might be thinking, why would I need 3 slings? Well, I bought one for myself, my husband, and my sisters. They all got used! At first, my husband was skeptical, but once he found his baby wearing style, he took James everywhere in it. Much to the delight of everyone in his path (he seriously got stopped 5-6 times a day and asked about it).I can't say enough positive things about Slinglings. During a time, when my son needed to be extra close to mommy and I was adjusting to motherhood, their sling was a lifesaver. Even now I use it to help carry him on my hip at the store or while cleaning house.
So check out Slinglings and hurry while they're offering that fabulous buy 2 get 1 free sale!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Mom Loves Slinglings - every baby should be a slingling!
Love, Jenn @ 2:13 PM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: baby, baby carriers/slings, reviews
Mom Loves Mom-preneurs!
We've survived the flu! And what better way to celebrate than to start preparing for the holidays! Tip Junkie, an awesome blog, is featuring a showcase of made and sold by moms! There are a lot of fabulous gift ideas and many of the moms are offering special discounts! Check it out!
Love, Jenn @ 12:18 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mom Loves News!
Well, the whole family came down with the flu! eeeek! So we had to take some time off!
As a reward for your patience, I'm extending the cart-stopper giveaway an extra week!
And you heard it here first, our sister site,The Baby Bloak, is having a HUGE fall clearance event!
Love, Jenn @ 12:22 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What mom doesn't love
sick babies....I'm taking the day off to care for the little one, but we'll be back tomorrow with another cool find and I have some awesome discounts for you!
Love, Jenn @ 2:29 PM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Mom Loves the Cart-Stopper- protector of children and cars!
"Upon arriving at the local grocery store parking lot one day, I routinely began to transport my two children from my vehicle into a shopping cart. After successfully unloading my youngest child, I went to retrieve my eldest child from our vehicle when I heard a man scream, “Hey lady! Your baby!” I immediately turned around to witness my child, strapped in the shopping cart, quickly rolling away from my vehicle into the middle of the busy parking lot! Thank goodness the shopping cart came to a stop up against a standing vehicle awaiting a parking spot (as opposed to a moving vehicle). It was the most frightening (and embarrassing) experience of my life. I immediately began looking for a product that would help keep my shopping cart from rolling away from my vehicle. I was surprised to discover that no one had yet to offer an effective solution to this dangerous problem. That was when I knew there was a definite need for a product that “stops the run-away cart”!"
CartStoppers wants you to have your own CartStopper! To enter to win your own CartStopper, simply visit their website and come back and leave a comment telling us what color CartStopper you like best!
Love, Jenn @ 10:58 AM 13 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: giveaways, reviews, shop w/children, shopping
Friday, October 24, 2008
Mom Loves Chic Peeks - the safety pin's enemy
The other day as I quickly pinned the cleavage-spotlight in my blouse shut, I thought there has to be a better way! And then I discovered Chic Peeks, an awesome alternative to a cami. Chic Peeks are adhesive cleavage covers that easily adhere to low cut shirts.Robin, the mom behind Chic Peeks, came up with the idea when her favorite, but revealing, black dress was ruined when she pinned it together for a funeral. She came up with the stylish, simple, and reusable Chic Peek! Coming in packages of 3 multi-colored choices, Chic Peeks are a steal at $16! Think of how you can increase your wardrobe.
Love, Jenn @ 12:11 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mom Loves Ellie Bags - a unique diaper bag alternative
As a mom I know the hassle of juggling multiple bags, forgetting your wallet in one, accidentally grabbing a purse instead of the diaper bag. So I was delighted to hear about the Over Tote by Ellie Bags.
From their website:
"Our line of Ellie Bags™ has launched with its signature product, the Over Tote™ System. The System comes with an Over Tote™, Back Up Bag, changing pad, flexible wipes pouch, and bottle/sippy cup holder. We have created, “The smart new way to carry a diaper bag.” We also offer a collection of products that make life simpler for moms (& dads!)"
Ellie Bags are available online at www.elliebags.com
Love, Jenn @ 1:00 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: baby, bags, diaper bags, diapering, for mom, kids, reviews, shop w/children, travel w/children
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Mom Loves Purely Nutured
The other day I was thinking that I desperately needed a vacation. I need to get away and relax but with a toddler that's impossible. To my delight there was a package on my doorstep. From the moment I opened the box, I was in heaven. I'd been sent an Island Sunset bath bomb by Purely Nurtured as an answer to my prayers.
The bath bomb was big and made a beautiful, sweetly-scented bath. It was the ultimate relaxing experience for the harried mom. The best part is that Purely Nurtured products are natural, which is a major plus for a mom trying to go organic. I can't recommend them enough for yourself, but they'd be a big hit as a Christmas present as well.
Stop by their store which features an array of bath products as well as other natural living products like cloth diapers and mamma-made diaper bags. You're sure to find something for the mom or babe on your list.
Love, Jenn @ 1:00 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Mom Loves the (Oopdoo) hug - because sometimes the pain is in your head
When I first saw the (oopdoo) hug, I fell in love. Not only is it a completely practical idea, it's also adorable. The (oopdoo) is a large fleece wrap made to resemble a large bandage that can be used to hold ice or heating packs, or just to wrap around a little one, or hey a big "kid", for a little comfort.
From their website:

The (oopdoo) comes in solids, prints, and designer patterns, so there is one available for every one, child or adult. I think it may be my new go-to get well gift. I was lucky enough to receive my own (oopdoo) and it's awesome! Not only is it much cuter than an ice pack, I know my son is going to love to cuddle up with it. Both of my college-age sisters went ga-ga over it as well! Talk about a fab Christmas gift!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Mom Loves Diaper Bag Challenge
Do you have the best diaper bag in the world? Do you make the best diaper bag in the world? Are you desperately searching for the best diaper bag in the world? Count me amongst those still searching!
So we want you to tell us all about your dream diaper bag. We'll be accepting nominations and awarding Mom Loves status to the most innovative, useful, and stylish bags in November.
Love, Jenn @ 10:41 PM 1 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Fall - Weekend Shopping Guide
This handmade, one of a kind, wrap by Irregular Expressions is the perfect thing to throw on for a walk, an errand, or a date. Long enough to be versatile, it's a sure bet for the posh mom. Price $95 For baby and toddler:
Worthy Goods is worth a look for their adorable, patchwork hats for babies and toddlers. We love the Wascal-y Hunter cap for its just right mix of old school and punk, but be sure to check out all the unique offerings! Priced from $26-80
It might be a tad impractical to let your little one wear this around town, but it screams portrait time! Trinity's Tutus Autumn Harvest Dress is a beautiful tribute to fall. It's moments like these I wish I had a girl! Price $42 For the family:
Nothing says fall like pumpkins, so wake up to pumpkin pie (well, in your shower). Morgan Street's pumpkin chiffon is sure to get you geared up for Turkey Day!Tis the season to entertain! Whip an apple pie, light a fire, and invite friends and family over for the evening. Whether you're planning a formal fall affair or a casual October gathering, these invites from Snail Mail are sure to bring in the RSVPs.
Love, Jenn @ 1:52 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: baby, bath time, cards/invites, clothing, for mom, kids, reviews
Friday, October 17, 2008
Mom loves OnTray - The shopping cart solution
Ok, seriously every mommy knows that grocery shopping with a toddler can be, um, challenging. With lists, snacks, toys, and tantrums, it's awesome to see a product that is portable, simple, and helpful.
What is OnTray?
From their website: The great thing about this product, other than it makes shopping with your young children a little more enjoyable, is that it is multifunctional. It can be used as a container for your coupons, a shopping list and a small calculator. OnTrayTM stores easily in a diaper bag or purse. There's no reason to carry more than one container of food for your children. It's the perfect tray for a shopping cart!
And it's only $7! Why didn't I think of this?! Added bonus, it has a name the greatest punster can delight in!
Visit their website!
Love, Jenn @ 3:00 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: organization, reviews, shop w/children, shopping
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Mom Loves the Boon Squirt Babyfood Dispensing Spoon
Ever have a baby grab a bowl of mashed peas and dump it on the floor? Or have your toddler squeal until you let them have the bowl and spoon? The Boon Squirt solves this problem! It's actual pretty genius. The bulb holds up to 3 ounces of baby food, which squirts into the spoon when you squeeze it. No need for messy bulbs, no wondering how much baby has eaten! It's especially great if you are making your own baby food as it cuts down on the extra dirty dish.
One of my favorite things is that Boon products are safe. No BPA, no phthalates, no pvc! But unlike some other similar products, the Boon Squirt is reasonably priced at $7.99.
Love, Jenn @ 3:00 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: baby, baby feeding time, meal time, reviews
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Mom Loves Wet Happened zippered wet bags
Wet bags are a common accessory for us crazy cloth-diaperin' mamas, but they're set to be a mainstream mom must-have. Why? Well, we all have icky things that we need to cart around in a diaper bag - a pair of pants the diaper leaked through, the burp cloth, a soiled bib, a wet swimsuit. You get the picture. Rather than cart them balled up in your diaper bag, wouldn't it be great to have a bag you can keep them in? Plus, wet bags are reusable!
But the best part of the wet bag is how flippin' cute they are. Gone are the days of boring waterproof, draw string bags. Wet bags now feature designer fabrics, waterproof inners, and handy zippers. And none are cuter or more convenient than Wet Happened wet bags. In a perfect array of sizes and styles these little, reusable bags are about to be a household name. Word on the street is that Targets will be carrying the bags soon! Major bonus for cloth-diapering moms to not have to shop online, but every mom can benefit from these beauties!Prices start at $17.95. Not bad for a product you can use again and again while saving the planet! Check out the Caribbean and Orchid Groovy!
Love, Jenn @ 3:00 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: baby, diaper bags, diapering, kids, reviews, travel w/children, vacation w/children
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mom Loves the BelliDeep Sippy Cup Holder
I might be in love with this sippy cup holder...it's so very practical unlike many of the others I have seen on the market. Why? Because its made of slip resistant silicone, so it doesn't have to be adjusted and it's easy to clean. If you are like me, trips to the store always include a game of "Drop the sippy. Watch mom pick up. Rinse. Lather. Repeat."
It can be used with sippy cups and bottles!!!! So imagine all the use you will get out of it! And it's only $6.50!!!! Think of the hours of back-breaking labor you'll save not bending over, running after, and searching for dropped sippy cups. You can buy one here.As a mompreneur, my only concern about this product is its name! We need something that shows off creativeness and the usefulness of this product, something catchy, something that sticks around as long as an attached sippy cup!. So heres my challenge moms, help her come up with new name!
Love, Jenn @ 3:00 AM 1 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: baby, baby feeding time, kids, meal time, reviews, travel w/children, vacation w/children
Monday, October 13, 2008
Mom Loves Kellen's Tiny Toes - custom photo cards
When I was looking for my son's birthday cards, I was thrilled to find Kellen's Tiny Toes, a WAHM-based custom photo card business. There are two reasons I adore KTT.
1) She can do anything you want. No need to pick out a cookie cutter design. Her cards are truly custom! If you have an idea, she can work with it, or you can be vague and indecisive (like me) and she'll work to help you decide what you want.
2) She will gladly print or send you the image to print yourself for a flat fee. Because of this her cards are affordable!
From her website:
I'm Cindy, a stay at home mother of one son, Kellen. I very much enjoy graphic design. My husband got me a photo editing program and I quickly started my "siggy" making hobby, for friends on a message board. As my hobby became an obsession, I realized that I wanted to make a part-time career of it. So, that's how my little business, Kellen's Tiny Toes, came about.
Love, Jenn @ 6:37 AM 5 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: cards/invites, reviews
Friday, October 10, 2008
Are you a Mom-friendly business, large or small? Do you have a product you think Moms would LOVE! Advertise with us! Sponsor a review and/or giveaway!
For Product Reviews we require at least one non-returnable sample to try out so that our reviews can be as accurate and true as possible.
Is one review not enough? We also have a team of 20+ Moms that would love to try out your product too and blog about it themselves!
Still not enough? Or not know where to start to get noticed on the web? We also specialize in social networking consultation, set up and management for your business. Blogs, FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter and More! We can even host you Twitter Parties, guaranteed to get attention and be a top trending topic!
Or maybe you would just like to see your banner on Mom Loves Today? For Advertising, our small business and WAHM friendly rates are here to help you make the most of your budget!
Love, Jenn @ 2:41 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
About us
About The Mom, Erin:
Erin Pyle
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/erinjeany
- Mom Loves Today: http://www.momlovestoday.com - momlovesreviews@gmail.com - http://twitter.com/momlovestoday
- From Son Up To Son Down: http://ejsmomej.blogspot.com - ejsmomej@gmail.com
- Examiner.com Baltimore Children's Toy Examiner: http://www.examiner.com/x-25215-Baltimore-Childrens-Toys-Examiner

Ashley is a 24 year old WAHM from Virginia. She has an adorable 2 year old daughter, Sophia (aka The Mini) and a loving and supportive long time boyfriend, Justin. When she's not busy being a mom, Ashley loves social networking, anime, video games, gardening, painting, and above all--cooking and baking. Follow Ashley on twitter: http://twitter.com/linkismyhero
- Bobbi Janay is a 24 year old wife and mother who lives in Plano, Tx with her husband Casey, infant son Ian, and faithful furry friend FootFoot. She is a girl from small town Texas, who woke up one day and realized holy cow when did I become a grown up? Follow Bobbi Janay on twitter: http://twitter.com/BobbiJanay
About Mom Love's Original Creator:
Mom Loves was originally created by Jennifer Albin - The mom behind Sass and Fras, LLC, home of the Baby Bloak! She's was always on the look-out for cool and useful products that make her life easier. She wanted other moms to benefit from her finds and so this blog was born.
Visit the Baby Bloak at: http://www.thebabybloak.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Baby-Bloak/25472373485?ref=nf
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BabyBloak
Love, Jenn @ 2:38 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: contributors
Product Reviews
Are you interested in having your product reviewed on Mom Loves Today? We feature nearly 365 of the coolest products for moms, kids, and their families (we do take a few days off a year).
Love, Jenn @ 2:37 AM 4 Mom Loves Comments
Mom Loves Labels: reviews
Giveaways and Freebies
Love, Jenn @ 2:10 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
What is Mom Loves?
Mom Loves is the way to find out about the new, coolest, most useful products out there for mama and baby. This blog will feature product reviews, special discounts, and more to our readers.
About The Mom:
The mom behind Mom Loves owns Sass and Fras, LLC, home of the Baby Bloak! She's always on the look-out for cool and useful products that make her life easier. She figured other moms would benefit from her info and so this blog was born. She's also created a ning discussion board, so moms can share their tips and tricks!
Mom Loves will be opening for product submissions soon!
Love, Jenn @ 8:17 PM 0 Mom Loves Comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Welcome to Mom Loves!
Be sure to join our social network where you can post your own reviews, questions, vents, stories, and more!
Love, Jenn @ 1:19 AM 0 Mom Loves Comments