When choosing the right health care for your children there is a lot to consider. Parents have many questions about coverage and want to make sure they are getting the best care possible for their children. Does it cover injury, sickness, pre-existing conditions? Is there time/day/month limits to service? Am I going to call a representative to ask these questions only to hang up even more confused?UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company has heard you questions. Dedicated to student insurance for over 40 years, United Healthcare has a insurance program just for your children, the UnitedHealthcare StudentResource (UHCSR). Focusing on children ages 5 to 18 (4 to 18 in Texas), this program has a better understanding of unique needs of this age group. Designed to be more affordable then traditional insurance plans for your children, it is currently $588 per policy year or $98 every two months. That is a small amount of money for a big peace of mind that your child is covered! UHCSR program offers your child protection and coverage for injury and sickness 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You don't have to worry about your child having insurance through your job. If you already have it, UHCSR could also be used as a secondary insurance plan. Available through many participating school districts and participating private schools. Nationally available through schools that belong to the Association of Christian Schools International.
I was happy to see that the school my son Elijah will be attending currently participates. We have UnitedHealthcare now and think that this plan would be good for us when Elijah reaches school age.

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