As a new parent there are many choices when it comes to products to suite you and your baby best. Just in Elijah’s 7 months we have used 5 different types of bottles with 3 stages of nipples, have tried numerous lotions for every day use and his eczema, 2 powders, 3 different diaper creams, 5 different thermometers, 4 soaps, 6 types of wipes, and oh my the DIAPERS.
We have tried at least 10 brands of diapers so far. Pampers Swaddlers, Pampers Baby Dry, Pampers Cruisers, Kirkland’s (Costco’s Brand), Parent’s Choice (Walmart’s Brand), Target’s Brand, Huggies Gentle Care, Huggies Natural Fit, and some other generic kinds.Of course I was able to find pros and cons with all of them, but some pros really out weigh the cons. When evaluating a diaper I like to use certain criteria to assure I am getting the best for my little guy.
- AFFORDABLE –The average child will go through between 5 and 10 THOUSAND diapers. Do you want to pay top dollar for them?
- SOFT – My lil’ man’s ‘hiney’ wants to be comfortable! Would you want to walk around in a hard diaper all day? If the answer is no, then that is not the diaper for your baby.
- ABSORBENT – Even if you change your baby right away, every time he pees, that wetness on his skin can lead to diaper rash and make your baby uncomfortable. The better the diaper wicks up that moisture the better for your baby.
- LEAK PROOF – Funny things happen when babies go to the bathroom. It will go every direction BUT the way you expect it to. You need a diaper that will help contain that!
When you factor in those points when choosing a diaper it makes it easier. Many parents make the mistake of sacrificing one of those to save a buck. But if your constantly doing laundry after your babies diaper leaks, how much are you really saving?
The one thought I have never considered is how healthy the diapers are. I never considered what the diaper is made of and how it will affect my baby. Most of today’s diapers contain gels that help to sponge up the moisture. What is really in those gels? Will long term studies deem it to be unhealthy for your children after all? What is in the lining?
When I first read about Huggies Pure & Natural diapers in April I was intrigued. ‘The super premium diaper that includes natural, organic materials and ingredients to provide gentle protection for new babies, as well as initial steps toward environmental improvements, without sacrificing performance.’
Could it really stand up to my strict standards? Or would it fail to meet my expectations? Is it really better than the others for my baby? for the environment? Especially with everything claiming to be ‘green’ these days when they are really not.
I was excited when I was contacted to try Huggies Pure & Natural and see for myself if it stood up to the test.
The diaper is hypoallergenic, fragrance free and features a breathable outer cover that includes organic cotton. Which is great especially for Elijah because anything with fragrance breaks him out horribly! The liner includes natural Aloe & Vitamin E and materials from renewable sources. These diapers didn’t seem ‘plastic-y’ like some of the others, they didn’t feel hard, and Elijah did not seem to be all hot and sticky in the diaper area after playing. They didn’t leave big red marks at the leg openings either like some other diapers. They also have gone a bit more green with their packaging, using 20% recycled materials.
So how does it stand up to my tests?
Huggies Pure & Natural is offered in 6 sizes, from newborn through size 5. The are widely available in North American retail outlets as of April. For more information visit
Huggies has also launched their new Enjoy the Ride Rewards program to give you even more incentive! Find out more at
Overall I was pleased with the quality and performance of Huggies Pure & Natural. I will not switch to it completely, but it will join the rotation of the current 3 brands I use depending on the store I am shopping. I think when it is in more stores it will help me to purchase it more and also it would be nice if they put more coupons for them in the Huggies Baby Network mailers.
Would you like to see how Huggies Pure & Natural stacks up to your favorite brand? Will you be converted?
Visit to get your own free sample to try or…
WHAT: Winner will receive 1 pack of Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers – Size Newborn, 1 or 2 (size 2 fits up to 18lbs)
WHEN: From June 7th to June 15th at Midnight
HOW: Leave me a comment below telling me: WHY you want to try Huggies Pure and Natural and WHO you will try them on. Please make sure to include what size you want if you win and a way to contact you.
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Good Luck!
29 Mom Loves Comments:
I would love to win the diapers to try on my daughter. They sound reasonably priced and of value. I would love to win a size 5, but since that isn't an option (guessing they want new babies, not ones that are exiting diapers), I would want size 2 for my niece to try.
love choosing products that are better for the environment - these would be for my friend's little guy - size 2
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follow/subscribe to son up
I've been wanting to try these! I am really into natural items for my babies, but haven't tried the natural diapers. I typically don't like Huggies because they leaked with my first baby, but I am due again in October and thought it would be nice to try them again with this baby, especially these ones. I would want a size 1. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I saw these and wanted to try them. I was a constant Pampers user with my other 3, but lately they have been really bad. So with little princess I thought it would be good to try these. I would use size 1. Thank you
I would love to try a soft diaper like this on my baby boy coming this August.
I'd like to try them to see if they really work as well as regular diapers, and I'll try them on a baby that is due soon.
Thank you!
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I'm a follower on Twitter. :) antispamgirl
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I'm a follower of your other blog on Blogger/Google Friend. :) Thank you!
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Oh...I want free diapers! I'm usually too chicken to try new products, because they are expensive...but if they are free...I'm expecting kid #3 so I'd love some of the newborn size.
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I'd love to get some size 1's for my best friend's baby (who's not even born yet!). My friend has very sensitive skin, so I imagine her baby will, too. I wish these had come out when my son was a tiny baby. He was horribly allergic to something in Pampers. This is a great post--I'm going to give these a try!
I follow you on twitter and am re-tweeting this! @jennelsonlane
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I want to win this for my bestfriend who is preggo and due any day.
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I'd like to try them because they're hypoallergenic and I'd use them on my baby nephew!
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