Join @Resourcefulmom and all of us on twitter tonight, Friday the 12th, at 9:00 p.m. eastern as we SiteWarm:
Schwinn Joyride: The Ultimate Resource for Two-Wheeled Family Adventure.
(please note, site is not live yet!!)
- Create a biking journal
- Check out the featured bike of the month
- Read blog articles about topics ranging from when to remove training wheels to deciding when your child is ready for a bike
- Find great trails for a short family bike hike or a long bike vacation
- Watch videos and read tips on how to teach your child to ride a bike
- Learn about bike gear from helmets to all the bells and whistles (literally!)
- Utilize biking safety checklists
- Discover the importance of proper bicycle maintenance
- Become fit by learning about fitness through biking
Be sure to follow our special guests for the night:
- @LoriHeimerl Lori's Twitter profile describes her as a "Single Mom, Cool Girlfriend, Bike Marketing Diva." Let her know any questions you have about what Schwinn Joyride can do for your family!
- @Kim Orlando Kim is the founder of the popular site, Traveling Mom.
Join us as we tweet about Family Biking - bring your questions, your stories, and your tips!
RSVP & Enter to win all the prizes including 3Women's Beach Cruiser Bike from Schwinn worth more than $150! WOO!
Visit http://resourcefulmommy.blogspot.com/2009/06/sitewarming-for-schwinnjoyride-friday.html now to RSVP & Enter! See you there!!!
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