Just buying a car seat doesn't protect your child. In fact, 3 out of 4 car seats are not used correctly. Making safe choices about what car seat to buy, how to install it properly in your vehicle and how to use your car seat properly is key to safety. One of the easiest things we can do for our children is protect them while transporting them. It doesn't matter whether you are going one minute or one hour, buckling up your children every trip, every time, could save your child's life.

Find them on Facebook: NHTSA has a Facebook page at http://facebook.com/childpassengersafety where parents can learn about everything from LATCH to locating inspection offices. Get the latest news and more!
See their website: The Ad Council and the NHTSA have created a site with all the resources parents need to keep their smallest passengers safe: http://childcarsafety.adcouncil.org/ Find your local inspection station, watch instructional videos, and even take a fun quiz!
*This post was not compensated in any way.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers many resources to help you ensure you are making the safest choices when it comes to your precious 'cargo.'
Find them on Twitter: Tweet an actual safety expert on the @ChildSeatSafety account on Twitter. They will answer any questions that parents have about child passenger safety. This is such a unique resource from a government agency!
Find them on Twitter: Tweet an actual safety expert on the @ChildSeatSafety account on Twitter. They will answer any questions that parents have about child passenger safety. This is such a unique resource from a government agency!
Find them on Facebook: NHTSA has a Facebook page at http://facebook.com/
See their website: The Ad Council and the NHTSA have created a site with all the resources parents need to keep their smallest passengers safe: http://childcarsafety.
*This post was not compensated in any way.
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