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Monday, October 19, 2009

Mom Loves Giveaways - Notable Newness

What’s Cooking at DD is giving away a copy of the latest VeggieTales DVD – Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving. 3 Winners. Ends 10/20

Look no hands! @BabiesGottaHavT is giving away a Bebe Bottle Sling! Got twins? Check it out! Ends 10/20

Packing a lunch? Check out this Sandwich and Snack Baggie giveaway from @bellsnunicorns! Ends 10/21

Beautiful Lunar Belle earrings giveaway Ends 10/22

Mimi's Babies is giving away a set of 3 hand knit dishcloths

Halloween has come to Cloverleaf Corners. Win a set of Costume Critters from Calico Critters @BabiesGottaHavT Ends 10/23

Budget Bella - Win The Budget Kit Book Ends 10/23

Ecostore USA is coming to Duane Reade Pharmacies! No Nasty Chemicals! Win a $25 gift certificate @BabiesGottaHavT Ends 11/2

1 Mom Loves Comments:

Anonymous said...


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